SNOOZ White Noise Sound Machine Review

  • Features
  • Value For Money
  • Efficiency
  • Durability

What We Like

  • Travel-friendly
  • Fully adjustable tone
  • Non-Looping sounds

What We Don’t Like

  • Poor sound quality
  • Poor Bluetooth connectivity

We’ve all been there, perhaps more frequently than we’d care to admit. A bad night’s sleep and we’ve woken up cranky, literally on the wrong side of the bed. We’ve been tossing and turning like a banshee all night. Maybe that’s because a noisy new neighbor has just moved in.

Or perhaps the people in the apartment opposite just got a puppy or worse still, a newborn! (we’re joking of course! Huge congratulations are in order along with a pair of earplugs!) Either way, you’re having trouble sleeping and doesn’t everyone else know about it!

Or perhaps you’re a frequent traveler, constantly on the road because of your job and always dreaming of being back home in bed. What is it that Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home.” Well, turns out you don’t have to snooze or lose anymore.

There’s a travel-friendly, totally funky and incredibly versatile new white noise sound machine that performs every bit as good as it looks. In fact, even those among us who are blessed with being solidly dependable 8-hour night sleepers, are seriously considering investing in the SNOOZ just because it looks so great.

So the cat’s out of the bag, our next product review is, you guessed it, for the latest, and we think totally innovative looking,Snooz White Noise Sound Machine.

Prepare to be melodically and rhythmically lulled into the best sleep you’ve had in years and for plenty of admiring gasps of “Oooh, what’s that lovely new ornament you’ve got by your bed” from anyone visiting your home in the near future.

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SNOOZ White Noise Sound Machine Review

So first up we do need to mention the design as its unlike anything else we’ve so far seen or reviewed, in an excellent way we might add. It is modern design aesthetics fused with sleep technology at its very most exceptional and it’s actually a shame to have to keep it in the bedroom as indeed it wouldn’t look out of place in the living room.

Although the irony being you never have any trouble falling asleep watching TV or a movie with the family, it’s just when you get into bed that insomnia rears its ugly head!

So the SNOOZ looks great, but it also performs brilliantly. It delivers a peaceful, non-looping white noise sound from a real fan and is fully adjustable regarding both its tone and volume.

There are also an additional 10 settings so that you can choose a sound that’s right for your baby, kids or for yourself. Whoever it is that is going to benefit most from having a better night’s sleep. It might be that you have a partner who snores and you need to drown out those dulcet tones.

The SNOOZ features a proprietary fan impeller which sits inside an acoustically optimized chamber that looks super slick and stylish, but that also delivers soothing sounds. So much so that you will all be snoozing like babies.

Who is this product for?

With 10 different settings designed to appeal to babies, kids, and adults, this really can be used by anyone who suffers when either falling asleep or staying asleep. It also highly portable so great for frequent travelers and with its sharp, modern design aesthetics, it will also be the white noise sound machine of choice for anyone who is discerning and interested in interior décor and the look of their home objects and accessories.

What’s included? 

You get a beautiful looking unit with the proprietary fan housed inside. The tone and sound are easily adjusted by twisting the outer shell, and you can select anything from a light fan to a deeper airplane cabin like drone. There are 10 volume settings and it’s all conveniently operated and adjusted via a very sleek, capacitive touch surface.

Overview of key features:

Control your unit remotely

One of the most convenient things about your SNOOZ unit is that it can be operated entirely remotely. Download the free Companion App, and you can set your SNOOZ, turn up the volume or shut it off, all via your Smartphone. There’s no need to even get out of the comfort of your cozy bed.


Strong, elegant and modern design aesthetics

We love the way that it looks, and it adds to the ambiance of a room rather than being an eyesore.

Perfect for travel being portable and lightweight 

At just 3.2” tall it is clean, discreet, and perfect for packing into a suitcase or backpack for when you head off on a business trip or vacation. If you do have newborns or kids, who struggle to adapt to a new environment, pack the SNOOZ with you so that none of you lose out of your sleep away from home. If you are staying with elderly family, we’re pretty sure they’ll thank you for packing the SNOOZ!

Energy Efficient

It’s powered by an ultra-efficient brushless DC motor, so it registers low on the energy consumption monitor. It only uses the equivalent of a 6W LED bulb so is great for those among you who are both environmentally as well as style conscious. Oh yes, and those that are sleep deprived!


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If an innovative and sleek modern design is your thing and your sleep is so important that you’d put any price on a solution then take a look right now at the fabulous Bose Noise-Masking Sleepbuds.

They are clearly only a product that you personally will benefit from but they are super stylish, highly practical and make a great option for a frequent flyer regularly having to catch that red-eye flight.


For its super stylish design aesthetics and the mere fact that you can stay in bed and operate your SNOOZ via remote control, this innovative white noise sound machine gets a huge thumbs up from us and is well worthy of our recommendation.

It even has a Nursery Calibration setting too so if you are using it for your precious little ones, you can ensure that their delicate ears are wholly protected by opting for a low volume setting. The SNOOZ really will turn any environment you place it in, both home or away, into a tranquil haven for sleep! Now that you really can’t put a price on.

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